Fibromyalga Infographic Banners
Fibromyalgia is a Chronic Widespread Pain Disease. It is extremely misunderstood and is far more common than people are aware. These banners were part of an information design project that focused on creating awareness about Fibromyalgia.
Fibromyalgia Banners
Information Graphics / Awareness Campaign
Information Graphics / Awareness Campaign
The purpose ofthis project was to bring awareness to a disease that is widely misunderstood,and is more common than people are aware. Fibromyalgia is a chronic widespreadpain syndrome. It has a vast list of symptoms and thus it has been hard toidentify cause. Fibromyalgia has no cure.
This issue hasmainly become something I am passionate about, because my mother has it. Peoplewith this condition do not look like they are sick. Most struggle in silence,and press on day after day in intense pain. Growing up with a mother whocouldn't do the things people expected her to do, or all the things she wantedto do, was very hard. All she can do is try and treat the symptoms, but that ishardly enough for those with Fibromyalgia. Flair-ups can come from doing almostanything, and those with Fibromyalgia have to live with it best they can.
These Banners hung in the Library on BrighamYoung University - Idaho for about a week. I hope that they were able toeducate and bring some awareness to this issue.
This issue hasmainly become something I am passionate about, because my mother has it. Peoplewith this condition do not look like they are sick. Most struggle in silence,and press on day after day in intense pain. Growing up with a mother whocouldn't do the things people expected her to do, or all the things she wantedto do, was very hard. All she can do is try and treat the symptoms, but that ishardly enough for those with Fibromyalgia. Flair-ups can come from doing almostanything, and those with Fibromyalgia have to live with it best they can.
These Banners hung in the Library on BrighamYoung University - Idaho for about a week. I hope that they were able toeducate and bring some awareness to this issue.